This dictionary is for free (gratis). It has been made for students, expats, foreign lovers and family members, refugees and other nomads. You can simply scroll down. 


Some explanation 

'idem' means the spelling and pronunciation of the word are the same as in English, for example 'hacker'. Often the spelling is exactly the same but the vowels a, e, i, u or y or some consonants such as the r are pronounced in different ways. So no 'idem' there. 

When the emphasis in the Dutch word is different from English, the stressed syllable has been put in bold, just to help you pronounce it correctly immediately, for example: active – actief.


Some advice 

To exercise your Dutch, not just read the words but also try to pronounce them. Or, even better, try to make a simple sentence with words like: ik ben ..., ik heb ..., ik wil …, dat is een …, zij zeggen dat.... 


And now have fun and enjoy!

Click here for A-Z page


You can send tips, comments, polite criticism and questions to [email protected]


No surprise there might be some updates in the future. 
I will mention them in this column.


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J.C. van Ammelrooy, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Thanks!

Thanks go to a great teacher, Meezan Eglen of York University in Canada, for revision of the English words. Of course all remaining errors and typing mistakes are mine.

First published in 2022 by J.C. van Ammelrooy (publisher), Maastricht, The Netherlands
Copyright Ⓒ 2022 by J.C. van Ammelrooij. All rights preserved. No portion of this dictionary may be reproduced, by any process or technique, without the express written consent of the publisher. Printing it for individual use is of course allowed and even encouraged.